Operation Earnest Voice Schedule

Thu 10 Jan 2019 - Sun 13 Jan 2019

Jonas Lund, Operation Earnest Voice 2019

Operation Earnest Voice Schedule

Thu 10 Jan 2019 - Sun 13 Jan 2019

This event is part of our Past Programme


Thur 10 Jan

“Mapping the Territory: Unicorn Stage”

Morning: Orientation and Introductions

10:30   CEO Address

Jonas Lund presents his vision for the office in motivational speech to employees

11:00   Icebreaker workshop

The new recruits get to know each other through a series of icebreakers conceived by Jonas Lund

12:00   Mapping the Territory I: What strategies can be used?

A short introduction by Jonas Lund on computational propaganda

13:00   LUNCHTIME TALK: Edwin Coomasaru

Whilst the workers head to lunch, the office will be open to the public for a 45 min talk by Edwin Coomasaru, Operation Earnest Voice’s Brexit Specialist, titled: 'Gendering Brexit's Gut: Masculinity, Digestive Anxieties, and Visual Culture'

Afternoon: Evaluation and preparation

14:00   Mapping the Territory 2: Employee Strategies

Each member of the team will spend time discussing their expertise and ideas on how to develop the campaign

16:00   Team Building exercise conceived by Jonas Lund

17:00   Press Conference Management & Team Briefing with Natasha Plowright, Head of Communications, The Photographers’ Gallery

18:00   Office Party Begins

19:00   Speeches, followed by special award for employee of the day

20:00   Office Party ends



Fri 11 Jan

Strategy: Deep Dive & Sprint Hack”

10:00   Stand up meeting

The team will review day one and plan Day Two targets

10:30   Operation Earnest Voice Press Conference

Members of the press and public are invited to submit the CEO and Operation Earnest Voice employees to questioning


Whilst the workers head to lunch, the office will be open to the public for a 45 min talk by Alfie Bown, titled: “Who will win the Battle of the Bots?”

14:00   Sprint Session 1: Develop Disruption in Teams

The Group will split into smaller teams to work on defined tasks and targets during the afternoon

17:00   Data-Driven Decision Making Time

Teams will evaluate the data and plan next steps

18:00   Wrap Up



Sat 12 Jan

“Disrupt and Deploy”

10:00   Stand Up Team Meeting

11:00 – 12:30 Therapy Dog Visit


Whilst the workers head to lunch, the office will be open to the public for talks by Peter Geoghegan & Adam Ramsay of openDemocracy UK on computational propaganda, Brexit, data and dark money.

14:30   Sprint Session 2  – Develop Disruption in Teams

The afternoon session will be devoted to further workshopping and experimentation

17:00   Data-Driven Decision Making Time

18:00   Wrap Up



Sun 13 Jan

“Pivot Circle Back: Towards the Future”

10:00   Stand Up Meeting

11:00   Sprint Session 3 – Develop Disruption in Teams

The focus of this session will be determined by the workers depending on the progress of the campaign


15:00   Concluding Event

A two hour round table discussion with OEV employees and members of the public reflecting on their work and media narratives developed. All welcome.

18:00   The office closes