Teachers’ Session: NSEAD Anti-Racist Checklist

06:30pm - 07:30pm, Thu 08 Jun 2023

This online session introduces the Anti-Racist Checklist for use in Art and design teaching.  

A collection of photographs of school pupils hands.

Teachers’ Session: NSEAD Anti-Racist Checklist

6:30pm, Thu 08 Jun 2023

This online session introduces the Anti-Racist Checklist for use in Art and design teaching.  

This event is part of our Past Programme

Marlene Wylie and Clare Stanhope from the National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD) talk through the Anti-Racist Art Education Action’s (ARAEA) checklist. This tool was formed to open conversations and support a questioning of current art educator resources, publications, and curriculums. It asks fundamental questions about the practitioners (Who is seen?), artforms (in art, craft, and design) and positioning of work introduced in the classroom. The ARAEA checklists aim to support art educators in becoming and being actively anti-racist.

This lecture-based session is for teachers at all stages of their careers who want to learn more about NSEAD’s Anti-Racist Checklist and how to implement it. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion after the presentation.

Please note: This event is followed by an in-person workshop at The Photographers’ Gallery. We recommend that anyone attending the workshop also attends this introductory talk. Find out more and book for the workshop.

A portrait of a woman wearing glasses and short hair.

Marlene biography

Marlene Wylie is President of the NSEAD and the Visualise Project Lead for the Runnymede Trust which aims to deliver the first major research commission into access to the visual arts for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students in England.

Having trained originally as a textiles designer she has taught art, craft and design in inner and outer London multicultural primary and secondary schools for over 25 years. Marlene is a founding member the Anti-Racist Art Education Action group. Through her lived experience, speaks to this critical issue of anti-racism with an authentic and profoundly reflective voice.

In 2022, Marlene steered the creation of NSEAD’s new Black Art Educators (UBAE) Network: a new self-organised network group for Black educators, students and individuals from the wider NSEAD membership and community. The group is dedicated to supporting the emotional wellbeing and resilience of Black art educators, celebrating their cultures and experiences, amongst its other aims.

Recently, as guest editor of NSEAD’s AD Magazine (issue 36), Marlene curated a varied collection of features and articles dedicated to the advancement and celebration of anti-racist conversations, journeys and actions.

a portrait of woman in a hat.

Clare biography

Clare Stanhope has been teaching in secondary art education in inner London for twenty years. Having recently completed a doctorate in arts and learning, the focus of her practice research is around the decolonisation of arts education and how creative practice can support the empowerment of young people. Clare founded of the Centre for Creative Explorations (CCE) to support practice research driven by young people for young people, whilst engaging with academics, creative practitioners, and the local community. This focus on collaboration is central to Clare’s practice and she works with various organisations who share this interest, including, the Anti-Racist Art Education Action group (NSEAD), the Making Sense project (SLG and UAL) and currently, Clare is supporting the Visualise Project commissioned by the Runneymede Trust as part of their advisory board.