Sara Bezovšek took the audience through SND, an interactive story game made of a net of videos, memes, photographs, GIFs, emoticons and websites. Following typical apocalyptic Hollywood film tropes, the work takes the shape of a large scrolling collage that ends with a multiple choice question: will you choose human extinction, utopia or dystopia? The screen walk reflected on the production and circulation of disaster aesthetics and rhetorics.
Sara Bezovšek is a visual artist, active in the fields of new media, experimental film and graphic design. Her artistic practice is characterized by the exploration, collection and storage of mostly pop- cultural visual references from various online platforms, films and TV series. Using the cut/copy-and-paste technique, she combines the found digital material into web pages, collages, mashup videos, etc., thus creating new narratives through appropriation. By using digital images familiar to the global internet user, she wishes to depict how internet phenomena, clichés, and iconic pop-cultural references influence our perception.