Immunity From Seizure

The Photographers' Gallery is an approved institution for immunity from seizure purposes.

Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 provides immunity from seizure for cultural objects which are loaned from overseas to temporary public exhibitions in approved museums or galleries in the UK where the conditions are met when the object enters the UK.

For further information about the act and the regulations please refer to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport web page.

The conditions are:

  • The object is usually kept outside the UK
  • The object is not owned by a person who is resident in the UK
  • Importing the object does not contravene any law
  • The object is brought into UK for the purpose of a temporary public exhibition at an approved museum or gallery
  • The museum or gallery has published information about the object

Download Due Diligence Policy

No objects currently require Immunity from Seizure Status.

For further information, please contact Clare Grafik, Head of Exhibitions at

The Photographers' Gallery

16-18 Ramillies Street

London W1F 7LW