Visitor Information

Photography, curiosity and respect for people's health and safety is encouraged everywhere.

Exterior shot of The Photographers' Gallery in the daytime from Soho Photography Quarter.

Visitor Information

Photography, curiosity and respect for people's health and safety is encouraged everywhere.

Gallery Opening Hours 

Monday – Wednesday


Thursday & Friday






Last entry 30 minutes before closing time.

General Admission*

£8 General Admission

£5 Student, Jobseeker, Disabled and Senior (60+)

£4 National Art Pass holders (walk-ins only)

£6.50/ £4 Online Advance Booking

Members always go free 

Every Friday free from 5pm 

Other discounted entry: 18s & under go free. ICOM cardholders go free. Concessions and discounted entry for National Art Pass cardholders, Disabled (disabled companion goes free), Unwaged (with proof of eligibility), Senior 60+ (with ID), Student (with ID).

*General Admission gives you entry to ALL exhibitions on the day of your visit.

I loved everything about my visit. There was nothing you could do better. Hurrah for the staff and curators, including those who get little mention (at the front desk and cafe)

Gallery Visitor

Educational Group Visits

For schools, youth & community groups, colleges and universities

The Photographers’ Gallery welcomes independent group visits. Groups of ten or more are advised to book in advance so that we can monitor the flow of visitors, including other visiting groups.

Group visits are limited to 30 people (including group leaders) for a 45-minute visit to the exhibitions. Larger groups will be split into groups of up to 30 or less and allocated separate times.

Admission is £1 per person including group leaders. Please pay on arrival.

18 or under: admission is free.

To arrange a group visit please email, copying and pasting the following required information list:

  • Subject Header: Group Visit
  • Your name and mobile number
  • The name and location of the school/college/university
  • The number of students, and their age/level
  • The number of group leaders
  • The date and time of your planned visit
  • An alternative date and time (if possible)


Contact Us


Our main reception, media wall and café are positioned on the Ground Floor.

There are toilet facilities on Floors 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. (Accessible/baby changing toilets are on Floors 3 & 5.)

We have three main exhibition spaces on Floors 2, 4 & 5 accessible by lift or stairs, with a smaller exhibition space, archive room and studio for events and a camera obscura on the 3rd floor.

Our Bookshop and Print Sales Gallery are located on the Lower Ground Floor.


We welcome all visitors and will do our best to accommodate specific needs but please do let us know in advance if there is anything in particular we can help with (+44 (0)20 7087 900 or email

The building is DDA compliant and has a lift to all floors. The main entrance is at street level on Ramillies Street, off Great Marlborough Street.   

We have wheelchair accessible toilets and baby changing facilities on the third and fifth floors.

Portable folding chairs are available for use during your visit. Enquire at the Information Desk on arrival.

Assistance dogs are welcome. A water bowl is available on request.  

We programme British Sign Language-led or interpreted, as well as audio-described, exhibition tours. These are listed on our What's On page. Entry to talks and events is free for companions accompanying visitors with a disability. 

If you'd like to explore the exhibitions when the galleries are quieter, we recommend visiting in the morning. To ask about a particular date, contact the gallery and we can confirm whether any larger community, college or school groups have booked a visit on that date/time.