The Social: Making (Photo) Books

06:30pm - 07:30pm, Wed 29 May 2024

Our informal advice and networking session for photographers based on a theme

People sitting together talking at a long cafe table

The Social: Making (Photo) Books

6:30pm, Wed 29 May 2024

Our informal advice and networking session for photographers based on a theme

This event is part of our Past Programme

Deliberately informal, The Social includes presentations by photography/arts professionals, offering tips on chosen themes and encourages participants to join the conversation and share their own insights.

We'll hear a short talk by each invited speaker and leave time to discuss the theme as a group. The theme for this session is ‘making (photo) books’ with Simon Goode and Jimmi Ho.

Speakers' Biogs:

Simon Goode founded the London Centre for Book Arts in 2012 with partner Ira Yonemura, the first and only Centre dedicated to book arts in the United Kingdom. He studied Book Arts and Crafts at London College of Printing, where he was taught a practical and craft-based approach to book arts. He teaches book binding and printing, and is a Lecturer in Graphic Design Communication at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London. He is co-author of Making Books: a guide to creating hand-crafted books by the London Centre for Book Arts (Pavilion Books, 2017) and a contributor to Books: Art, Craft and Community (Ludion, 2021).

Wing Ka Ho, Jimmi is a London-based visual artist and documentary photographer from Hong Kong. His recent work addresses topics of colonial history and migration, mixing contemporary imagery with archival photographs “linking our past to our future”. Jimmi has exhibited at The Photographers’ Gallery, is the recipient of the 2021/22 Royal Photographic Society Postgraduate Bursary and a nominee for the C/O Berlin Talent Award. He has self-published two books to date including 'Laundry Art' (2019) and 'So Close and Yet' (2024).

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