50th Anniversary Auction: We Did It!



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50th Anniversary Auction: We Did It!



As the final hammer fell and bidding closed for our 50th anniversary auction, our hearts were in our mouths, but we are so incredibly proud and happy to announce that we have exceeded our fundraising target.  Thank you to all of the exceptionally generous and talented artists that donated; to Sotheby's for making it happen and to everyone who placed a bid and showed us how much you care - not just about us, but about photography.  We are beyond grateful.  

When Sue Davies set out to create the UK’s first public gallery of photography in a former Covent Garden café 50 years ago, photography as an art form was hugely undervalued in Britain. Virtually no opportunities existed for photographers to exhibit in public or commercial spaces, the medium was largely shunned by the major institutions and the auction world in Britain had not yet ‘discovered’ photography.  

The last five decades have seen photography evolve from the margins of institutional recognition to becoming one of the most influential and democratic forms of contemporary art. Simultaneously, with the rise of new digital technologies and the recent proliferation of image-led networks, photography has become even more ubiquitous and democratised for people across the globe as a tool for both creativity and communication.

The Photographers' Gallery is immensely proud of the role it has played in this transformation, particularly in the UK, by exhibiting some of the world's most ground-breaking and celebrated photographers and providing a dedicated space where photographic debate and learning through and with photography can flourish. 

As we now look forward to another 50 years of championing photography, for everyone, please do continue to support us in whatever way you can.  All profits from our many activities go towards our ground-breaking exhibition programme and exceptional education activities, as well as enabling new talent and practice to flourish. 

Thank you so very very much for helping us to share our passion for this incredible art form.

Brett Rogers OBE
Director, The Photographers’ Gallery

For latest auction news, please visit Sotheby's Photographs auction page below.

To read an interview with TPG Director Brett Rogers, where she talks through the institution's past, present and future, as well as her highlights from the The Photography Sale, please visit Sotheby's website here.

For further information about ways to support us, please contact Chloe Taltas at development@tpg.org.uk

A woman stands in a crowd smiling at the camera

Our History

For 50 years The Photographers' Gallery has continued to champion photography.

Find out more about our history.