Exhibition: FutureProof

10:00am, Fri 21 Jun 2019 - 06:00pm, Mon 24 Jun 2019


Exhibition: FutureProof



This event is part of our Past Programme

FutureProof was an alternative exhibition of original works conceived and curated by participants of the TPG Develop programme.

Established in 2017, TPG Develop offers a range of subsidised activities, talks and workshops to help young people aged 14-24 years old learn more about opportunities in the creative industries and provide them with the skills required. Government cuts to the creative sector, as well as rising tuition fees, means young artists are increasingly having to seek out new routes into work and find alternative spaces to produce and develop ideas.

This exhibition marked the first showcase of work from a group of young people who have taken part in the TPG Develop programme and celebrated the coming together of a new generation of visual artists who are self-directing the development of their creative practice. In an age of Social Media and ever-expanding DIY culture, ideas about what it means to have 'made it’ as a successful photographer/artist in the industry are changing and evolving.

Showcasing a broad range of multidisciplinary practices, FutureProof presented varied photographic approaches, from experimental photography to a more documentary approach. The exhibition harnessed interactive elements as a way of inviting discussion on a broad range of subject matters to challenge and encourage debate. The themes explored encompassed home and belonging, gender and body politics, the female gaze, urban and natural environments, cultural heritage and LGBTQ+ issues. There was also be a variety of workshops and panels throughout the exhibition offering insider tips and advice on how to generate and protect your ideas.

Every element of FutureProof was produced and managed by the participants, from conception and creation to marketing and display, foregrounding the importance of self-organisation and the role that collaborative working practices play in fostering fresh and original perspectives. Furthermore, it highlighted the value of harnessing different voices, backgrounds and approaches and demonstrates the varied and wide-ranging routes one can now take into the creative industry.