A Young Person Reviews...

An aerial view of a book.

A Young Person Reviews...

In A Young Person Reviews…, writers under 25 review current photography exhibitions and photobooks. Reviews are commissioned monthly to be featured in our Teachers and Educators’ E-Newsletter, and are archived here on our website. Young people are paid to write their review, reimbursed for exhibition entry or towards the price of a book, and given writing tips and editorial advice. A Young Person Reviews… is part of our commitment to providing spaces for young people to share ideas, opinions, and experiences with a general audience and to develop critical thinking skills.

If you would like to write an article, you can submit your idea to projects@tpg.org.uk. Once the article has been commissioned by the TPG team, submission deadlines are four weeks later. If you would like some extra tips and guidelines to start writing, our Young Writers guide has ideas on how to kickstart your piece.

More information on the TPG Young Writers programme can be found here.